Deplorables vs. Despicables

At an LGBT campaign fundraising event in New York City on September 9, 2016, Hillary Clinton infamously said:

I know there are only 60 days left to make our case — and don’t get complacent, don’t see the latest outrageous, offensive, inappropriate comment and think well he’s done this time. We are living in a volatile political environment. You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. He has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people — now have 11 million. He tweets and retweets their offensive hateful mean-spirited rhetoric. Now, some of those folks — they are irredeemable, but thankfully they are not America.

This was not the first time that Hillary characterized Trump supporters as “deplorables.” In an interview earlier in the week of her LGBT campaign fundraising event, she said: “If I were to be grossly generalistic, I’d say you can take Trump supporters and put them in two big baskets.” The first basket contained what she called “the deplorables.”

Hillary’s “basket of deplorables” mainly consisted of white, rural, conservative Christians who despised Hillary’s progressive agenda. It was made up of the same people that Obama had a few years earlier described as bitter people who “cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

Some deplorables are no doubt actually deplorable, but at least they are not despicable.

The despicables are a small minority, but are easy to spot because they are so vocal, and so despicable.

The despicables are the ones who defend drag queen story hours for children at libraries.

The despicables are the ones who support gender affirming care for children.

The despicables are the ones who oppose the legislation in Florida (HB 1557) that forbids  classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity in first through third grade.

The despicables are the teachers who promote transgenderism in the classroom.

The despicables are the ones who want the government to force Christian bakers to bake cakes celebrating same-sex marriage or gender transitioning.

The despicables are the ones who oppose state laws prohibiting gender transition treatments for minors.

The despicables are the ones who support abortion as a form of birth control.

The despicables are the ones who support abortion on demand up to birth.

The despicables are the ones who support taxpayer-funded abortions.

The despicables are the doctors who perform abortions.

The despicables are the ones who support gender transition closets in schools.

The despicables are the ones who believe that health insurance companies should cover elective gender affirming surgery.

The despicables are the ones who support the right of men and boys masquerading as women and girls to use female restrooms and locker rooms and play on girls’ sports teams.

The despicables are the ones who see nothing wrong with puberty blockers for gender-confused children.

The despicables are the ones who think that gender dysphoria is a legitimate medical condition that should be treated with hormone therapy or surgery.

The despicables are the doctors who mutilate children and the parents who allow it.

What is doubly despicable is that some left-libertarians are part of the despicables. Most of them were also CDC libertarians until they transitioned to being outspoken defenders of abortion and transgender children.

I would much rather be a deplorable than a despicable.

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